Coronary Artery Diseases (CAD)
It's a condition in which the coronary arteries which supply blood to the heart become damaged or diseased. This can lead to a heart attack which can be life-threatening .
Causes: These include:
1,Atherosclerosis: A plaque buildup in the arteries
2,High blood pressure
3,High cholesterol
6,Family history of CAD
8,Lack of physical activities
Symptoms:These include:,
-Chest pains
-Shortness of breath
-Pain or weakness in the arms or legs
-Dizziness or Lightheadedness
Stages: These include:
1Asmptomatic : At this stage, there is no symptom, but the coronary arteries may be narrowing.
2,Stable Angina; In this stage, the coronary arteries are narrowed and the heart muscles may not receive enough blood oxygen- rich blood.
3,Unstable Angina: In this stage, the coronary arteries are severely narrowed, and the heart may not receive enough oxygen- rich blood.
4,Heart attack: In this stage, the coronary arteries are completely blocked, and the heart muscles are severely damaged.
Medical treatment
It depends on the stage and severity of the disease, common treatment include:
-Medication to manage symptoms and slow the progress of the disease
-Angioplasty and stenting to open up blocked ccoronary arteries
-Coronary arteries bypass grafting (CABG): To bypass blocked coronary arteries
Natural remedies
It include using the following items to cook foods:
3,Omega-3 fatty acids
4,Coenzyme Q10
-Jogging or running
-High-intensity internal training (HIIT)
Diet:These include;
1 Fatty fish : Such as salmon and tuna
2,Leafy green vegetable:Such as spinach and kale
3,Berries: Such as blueberries and strawberries
4,Whole grains: Such as brown rice and quinoa
Conclusion: Coronary artery disease (CAD) requires urgent medical attention, understanding the causes, symptoms ,stages and treatment options, you can control your heart health. Remember to incorporate natural remedies, exercises and a heart- healthy diet into your daily routine.