Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Coronary artery Diseases (CAD)

 Coronary Artery Diseases (CAD)

In page 15, we conversed on mini-stroke, in this page 16 we will talk about Coronary artery disease, it's also among the heart diseases, patients spend their valuable time searching for information about this disease from I
internet providers like: Cox communication.com, boardreader.com,google.com, bing.com, vodacom group.com, cell c.com, stc.com and searx.com etc in an effort to finding lasting solution to their prevailing hailment. 

It's a condition in which the coronary arteries which supply blood to the heart become damaged or diseased. This can lead to a heart attack which can be life-threatening .

Causes: These include:

1,Atherosclerosis: A plaque buildup in the arteries 

2,High blood pressure 

3,High cholesterol 



6,Family history of  CAD 


8,Lack of physical activities 

Symptoms:These include:,

-Chest pains 

-Shortness of breath 


-Pain or weakness in the arms or legs 


-Dizziness or Lightheadedness 

Stages: These include:

1Asmptomatic : At this stage, there is no symptom, but the coronary arteries may be narrowing. 

2,Stable Angina; In this stage, the coronary arteries are narrowed and the heart muscles may not receive enough blood oxygen- rich blood. 

3,Unstable Angina: In this stage,  the coronary arteries are severely narrowed, and the heart may not receive enough oxygen- rich blood. 

4,Heart attack: In this stage, the coronary arteries are completely blocked,  and the heart muscles are severely damaged. 

Medical treatment 

It depends on the stage and severity of the disease,  common treatment include:

-Medication to manage symptoms and slow the progress of the disease 

-Angioplasty and stenting to open up blocked ccoronary arteries 

-Coronary arteries bypass grafting (CABG): To bypass blocked coronary arteries 

Natural remedies 

It include using the following items to cook foods:



3,Omega-3 fatty acids 

4,Coenzyme Q10 



-Jogging or running 



-High-intensity internal training (HIIT)

Diet:These include;

1 Fatty fish : Such as salmon and tuna 

2,Leafy green vegetable:Such as spinach and kale

3,Berries: Such as blueberries and strawberries 

4,Whole grains: Such as brown rice and quinoa

Conclusion: Coronary artery disease (CAD) requires urgent medical attention, understanding the causes, symptoms ,stages and treatment options, you can control your heart health. Remember to incorporate natural remedies, exercises and a heart- healthy diet into your daily routine. 

Monday, March 10, 2025



On page 14, we deed discussed silent myocardial infarction, here which is page 15, we will talk about mini-stroke which is also called Microinfarction is one of the heart diseases requiring immediate medical attention,on daily basis, sufferers search internet providers like: bing.com, google search, star page.com, neotel.com,safari.com, and entel.com etc in an effort to find pragmatic solutions to the hailment. 

This is also called mini-stroke. It's a small temporary blockage of a blood vessel in the brain. This can lead to minor damage to the surrounding tissue. 

Causes: These include:

1,Blood clot 

2Atherosclerosis : A plaque buildup in arteries 

3,High blood pressure 



Symptoms: These include:

-Sudden weakness or numbness in the face,arm or leg.

-Difficulty speaking or understanding speech 

-Sudden vision changes 

-Dizziness or loss of balance 

Stages: These include:

1,Initial blockage 

2,Ischemia: Reduced blood flow 

3,Infarction: Tissue damage 

Medical treatment: These include:

1,Anti-cloting medications

2,Blood thinner 

3,Surgery to remove blockage

Natural remedies: These include:

Using the followings to cook foods :




4,Omega-3 fatty acids: It's found in fatty fish 

Diet: These include:

1,Mediterranean diet 

2,Increased fruits,  vegetables and whole grains 

3 Reduced saturated fats and sodium 

Exercises: These include:

-Regular walking 




Healing time: It varies,  it depends on severity. 

Typically 2-6 weeks for full recovery 

Conclusion: It requires urgent medical attention, understanding the causes, symptoms, stages, medical treatment, lifestyle changes and treatment options, you can control your heart health. 

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Silent Myocardial Infarction

Silent Myocardial Infarction (SMI): 

We had discussed about Unstable Angina on page 13, on this page that is page 14,we will look into Silent Myocardial Infarction as one of the heart diseases, informing the sufferers or those who require information about its: causes, symptoms, stages, medical treatment, and natural remedies etc which are widely sourced globally from network providers like: google search, bing.com, verizon.comAT &T.com, Vivo.com, orange africa & middle east.com,, and MTN.com  among others, this is done in order to find lasting solution to their prevailing hailment. 

It’s also called silent heart attack,  it is as damaging as traditional heart attack. 


It’s usually caused by blockage in the coronary arteries as result of the followings:

1,Atherosclerosis: Plaque buildup in the arteries. 

2,Blood clot: A blood plague in the coronary artery ruptures,  causing a blood clot to form.

3,Spasms in the coronary arteries 

Symptoms: These include:

1,Asymptomatic: No noticeable symptoms 

2 Mild symptoms: Mild chest discomfort or pains, shortness of breath, or fatigue. 

3,Diagnosis: It’s diagnosed through electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG), Enchocardiogram or  cardiac MRI.

Medical treatment:

 This involves a combination of medications and procedures, including:

1,Beta blockers: To show the heart rate and reduce blood pressure. 

2,Antiplatelet agents: To prevent blood clots from forming. 

3,Angioplasty: A procedure to open blocked coronary arteries. 

4,Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG):A surgical procedure to bypass blocked coronary arteries. 

Natural remedies:These include:

1,Omega-3 fatty acids: Found in fatty fish, flaxseed, and walnuts, they help reduce inflammation and improve heart health. 

2,Turmeric: It contains curicumin ,a powerful  anti-inflammatory compound that can help reduce inflammation and improve heart health. 

3,Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10): It helps to improve energy production in the heart and reduces oxidative stress. 

4,Turmeric: It contains curiccumin ,an inflammatory compound that helps reduce inflammation. 

Exercises: These include:

1,Brisk-walking: Aim for atleast 30 minutes per session, five days a week. 

2,Swimming: A low-impact exercise that can help improve cardiovascular health. 

3,Cycling: Stationary cycling or using a recumbent bike, is an effective way to improve cardiovascular health. 

Healing time:: It varies from one individual to another depending on the severity of the conditions and the effectiveness of treatment, With proper medical treatment and lifestyle changes, most people recover from "SIM" within a few weeks to few months.  

Conclusion: Silent Myocardial Infarction requires urgent medical attention. Understanding the causes, symptoms,and stages, individuals can reduce their risk and improve their heart health. 

Coronary artery Diseases (CAD)

 Coronary Artery Diseases (CAD) In page 15, we conversed on mini-stroke , in this page 16 we will talk about Coronary artery disease , it...