Sunday, August 4, 2024



On page 1 of these posts, we had talked of heart diseases generally without going in-debt about them, in the subsequent posts, we shall discuss about them in-debtly, our focus on this post is High Blood Pressure. Which is widely searched on and among others.

This occurs when the force of blood the walls of the arteries is consistently too high, putting a strain on the heart and blood vessels, if this is not controlled or cure, the consequences are: heart failure, kidney failure and high blood pressure among others. 

Factors that Contribute to High Blood Pressure 

These include: genetics, age or aging  poor diet, lifestyle and underlying medication situations, some factors like: genetics and age or aging cannot be changed or controlled; lifestyle modifications that can foster, manage and lower blood pressure are not limited to: healthy diets which consist of fruits, vegetables, whole grains like: rice and bread made of wheat, also proteins like beans,  these changes in diets will reduce high blood pressure level.


Avoidance of high sodium salt intake, saturated fats, and cholesterol are also vital because these increase high blood pressure

Physical activities like doing regular exercise is a key component of reducing this ailment. These foster strength to the heart and improves blood circulation; running, dancing, engaging in gyms for 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week, can help a lot.

Moreover, monitoring high blood pressure using 'blood pressure cuff', cannot be over emphasized, since this kind of heart diseases may not show symptoms but could directly lead to death as it has been experienced in the world... .

Medication for High Blood Pressure: These include diuretics, beta-blockers, ACE inhibitors and calcium channel.

Working with Health Provider

It must be noted that working with health providers to determine the best treatment plan for each individual, as the choice of medication grossly depends on other medical conditions and medication applicable. In some cases, lifestyle changes and medication may not yield the desired result of bringing blood pressure down, additional intervention may be necessary like: angioplasty, stenting, or

even surgery to help improve blood flow and reduce the risk of complications related to high blood pressure 

Conclusion: It is pertinent that persons take care of their heart health, high blood pressure monitoring and management, choosing healthy lifestyle, exercising, eating balanced good diet, resting or sleeping and meeting closely with health providers and following treatment plan, people with high blood pressure will greatly reduce the risk of complications and improve their heart health and well-being. 

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