Sunday, August 25, 2024

Right sided Heart Failure

Right sided Heart Failure

On page 6 we talked of Diastolic heart failure on this post which is page 7, we will discuss Right sided heart failure as one of heat diseases that is also widely searched in and

This occurs when the right ventricule of the heart doesn't pump blood effectively for the lungs which is leading to or causing fluid building in the abdominal cavity, legs and feet.


 It often result from left sided heart failure where increased pressure in the lungs lead to right ventricule strain, other causes are: chronic lungs diseases like COPD, pulmonary hypertension and valve disorder. 


Similar to other types of heart failure, this is classified into four stages, stage A indicates an increase risk without symptom while stage D is characterized by advanced heart failure with continuous symptoms. 


Patients may experience swelling in the legs ankles and abdomen, fatigue and shortness of breath especially during physical activities, also urinating at night is common among the symptoms.. 


 Medical solution usually involves Diuretics to alleviate fluid retention, medications to improve heart function, and treatment geared towards controlling underlying lung diseases.

Natural solution focuses on maintaining a healthy lifestyle and may include herbal teas like dandelion, known for its potential diuretic properties. 


 This option can include valve repair or replacement of valve disease is present or pulmonary intervention in cases of pulmonary hypertension. 


Gentle aerobic exercise like: walking, cycling and swimming can enhance cardiovascular fitness without putting excessive stress on the heart.  always do exercise based on individual capability.

Foods to Eat:

Diets that are low in sodium and rich in fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Foods rich in potassium such as banana can foster regulated blood pressure and fluid balance. 

Healing Period:

Using appropriate treatment and lifestyle adjustments, patients often experience symptoms relief within weeks. Those who undergo surgery may require a few months for full recovery, depending on their overall situation and specified treatment. 


Right sided heart failure patients may feel overwhelmed, but it's important to remember that proactive management can lead to a drastic improved quality of life by following your Healthcare provider advice, taking prescribed medications and making smart lifestyle choices, you can reverse some symptoms, incorporating gentle exercise and focusing on balanced diet, can fortify your heart and promote overall wellness. 

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Diastolic Heart Failure

Diastolic Heart Failure:

We talked about systolic heart failure on page 5, on page 6 which is this post, we will discuss Diastolic Heart Failure, it is aimed at helping people who search internet like: or search among others, to acquire knowledge about the disease and knowing the required treatment, be it medical or natural treatment as well as exercises that will be beneficial to them

This is another type of heart disease, it is a heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF), it occurs when the left ventricule becomes stiff and cannot fill with blood properly, its causes often include: age, hypertension and situation like diabetes. at night. 


These include: breathlessness, fatigue and swollen in the lower extremities, sometimes, patients notice discomfort when lying flat.


Just like systolic heart failure, it progresses from A to D, stage A indicates or shows no symptom and stage D denotes advanced heart failure with marked symptoms. 

Medical Treatment:

 Diuretics help with fluid retention and may be combined with heart rate control medications., natural remedies include adopting a low-sodium salt diet and regular physical exercise is vital, foods that are rich in potassium like banana and spinach will be beneficial. 

Exercises like gentle activities, walking,strength training, swimming and yoga can enhance the quality of the patient life, those exercises improve flexibility and cardiovascular functions. 

Heal time: This can commence within weeks of lifestyle changes, though, most patients feel a significant improvement after several months. 


Diastolic heart failure doesn't have to be a life sentence, with awareness and commitment to treatment strategies, including medical interventions and natural remedies, sufferers or patients can manage symptoms effectively, implementing lifestyle changes like incorporating nutritious foods and engaging in gentle exercise, can significantly improves the quality of life, while healing takes time, many patients experienced noticeable recovery in the long term. 

Prioritise your heart health today and emback on a path towards vitality and well-being with confidence. 

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Heart Failure

Heart Failure 

This is often misunderstood, it implies or means a serious condition where the heart cannot pump blood effectively to meet the body needs, it does not imply that the heart has stopped functioning or working, but that the heart is overworked and struggling to maintain adequate blood circulation. These days, many individuals search for this topic on and search to have true knowledge in other to tackle the disease


This is another form of heart diseases, in page 4,we discussed about Hemorrhagic stroke, in this post of page 5 and the subsequent posts, we will focus on heart failure and it types namely:  right sided heart failure, left sided heart failure, systolic heart failure, diastolic heart failure and  congestive heart failure,  there causes, symptoms, stages, remedies and periods it take to heal each of them. 

Our primary focus in this post is Systolic heart failure. 

Systolic Heart Failure 

Systolic heart failure or heart failure with reduced ejection function (Hfr) occurs when the heart ability to pump blood is compromised. This condition is often associated with weakened heart muscles, this makes it vital to understand it stages and solutions for effective management. 


Clinicians classify systolic heart failure into stages A through D stage, A signifies patient at risk, while stage D indicates advanced heart failure requiring special intervention. 


Patients with systolic heart failure always report the following symptoms like: shortness of breath during exertion, fatigue, and swollen ankles or legs due to fluid retention. These signs can profoundly affect daily activities and the total quality of life. 

Medical Remedies:

Treatment usually involves medication Diuretics, this helps reduce fluid overload, while ACE inhibitors improve blood flow. Beta-blockers may be prescribed to optimize heart rate and overall heart functions. 

Natural Remedies:

Patients or sufferers must incorporate heart-healthy foods such as leafy greens, whole grains, lean meats, and fatty fish 🐟 rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, also, herbal teas such as hawthorn may foster heart health.


In severe situations, surgical interventions become necessary, such options may include heart valve repair, bypass surgery or even the implantation of a left ventricular assist device (LVAF) for patients awaiting transplantation. 

Types of Exercise:

Low impact aerobic exercise like walking 🚶‍♂️, swimming 🏊‍♀️ and cycling 🚲 etc will help patients to recover on time.


Systolic heart failure may seem daunting, but with the proper understanding and proactive approach, you can take significant steps towards improvement by adhering to prescribed treatment and embracing lifestyle medication like a heart-healthy diets and regular exercises, you can regain control over your health. Always remember that the journey may require patience, but many patients or sufferers see improvements within weeks, so, take heart and prioritize your health-your future self will thank you for the efforts and investment you make today. 

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Hemorrhagic Stroke

Hemorrhagic Stroke another type of Heart Disease

On page 3 we discuss about Ischemic stroke, here, which is page 4,we will talk about Hemorrhagic stroke, a topic that individuals always search for on search and

 This occurs when a blooding vessel bursts, causing bleeding in or around the brain.

The common causes include:

1 High blood pressure: Chronic hypertension can weaken blood vessels, increasing the risk of ruptures. 

2, Aneurysms: These are balloons-like bulges in the blood vessels that can burst.

3, Head injuries: Trauma can cause bleeding in the brain. 

4, Arteriovenous malfunctioning (AVMs): Congenital tangles of blood vessels that can rupture.

5, Blood disorder: Conditions that affect blood clotting can increase risk. 

6, Excessive alcohol use: Heavy drinking can lead to high blood pressure and other risk factors. 

Symptoms of Hemorrhagic Stroke

 These include numbness or weakness in the face, arm, or leg, particularly one side of the body, more so, confusion, trouble speaking, difficulty seeing in one or both eyes, sudden and severe headache which is often called "thunderclap" headache, it can be overwhelming and unlike previous headache. 

Nausea and vomiting: This can accompany a sudden headache. 

Seizure: It sometimes occurs with hemorrhagic stroke. 

Altered Consciousness: The individual may appear lethargic or confused. 

Stages of Hemorrhagic Stroke: Understanding these stages can foster insight into the seriousness of the stroke conditions. 

1, Acute Stage: It begins immediately the bleeding occurs, rapid medical intervention is critically required during this phase.

2, Subacute Stage: The body responds to the bleeding and medical treatment will begin to stabilize the sufferer or patient. 

3, Recovery Stage: Rehabilitation efforts start here, focusing on recovery of lost functions. 

4, Chronic Stage: Long term adaptation to changes and ongoing therapies is necessary. 

Treatment Options:

Once diagnosed, treatment may involve both medical and natural approaches.

1, Medication: Depending on the situation, doctors may prescribe anti-seizure medication or drugs to manage and control blood pressure. 

2, Surgery: If the bleeding is extensive or caused by an aneurysm or AVM, options may be required, common surgeries used are:

a Craniotomy:  is a procedure to remove blood and repair the damage vessels. 

b, Clipping of an Aneurysms: This prevents re-bleeding by placing a clip on the aneurysm neck. 

c,Endovascular coiling: It is a less intensive method for treating aneurysms. 

Natural Remedies 

These include the followings:

1, Diet: A heart-healthy diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins will help manage blood pressure. 

2,Supplement:Omega 3 fatty acids and anti-oxidant may reduce inflammation. 

3,Stress management: Techniques like yoga, meditation and mindful breathing can promote relaxation and lower blood pressure. 

Conclusion: Hemorrhagic stroke occurrence is frightening, but well understanding it causes, stages and symptoms, can empower patients or sufferers to seek prompt treatment. Combining medical intervention, fitness and supportive natural solutions can significantly aid recovery. If warning signs are noticed, do not wait, seek medical help immediately, your health is worth it, with the right approach, many survivors can lead fulfilling lives post-stroke.

Prevention and education are key in reducing your risk of hemorrhagic stroke, so be informed and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Stroke a Heart Disease

Stroke a heart disease

 On page 2 of these posts, we had talked of high blood pressure, here, which is page 3, we will be talking of Stroke as a topic on its own. 

Stroke is also a form of heart disease; it occurs when there is an interruption of blood that flows to the brain which leads to cell death and potential lasting damage. It must be noted that stroke can be divided into two namely Ischemic stroke and hemorrhagic stroke, our focus is ischemic stroke, this topic is an important one that individuals search for on as well as   on daily basis.

Ischemic Stroke: This occurs when a blood clot blocks a blood vessel supplying blood to the brain, it is vital to point out that almost 87% of stroke occurrence are ischemic stroke.


Risk factors for stroke often overlap with those for other heart diseases like high blood pressure, atrial fibrillation (irregular heart disease rhythm), high cholesterol, diabetes, obesity, smoking, and sedentary lifestyle, these can significantly increase the likelihood of experiencing stroke occurrence.

Knowing the Symptoms of Ischemic stroke

The potential to identify stroke symptoms can be lifesaving, the common signs include the followings: sudden numbness or weakness in the face,arm,or leg particularly on one side of the body. Other symptoms are confusion, trouble speaking, difficulty seeing in one or both the two eyes and severe headache with no reason for its cause.

Remember when any, some or all of the above reasons happen, call on time the emergency service of medical provider.

Stroke Stages: It severity can be categorized into several stages, the initial stage involves the acute event itself, followed by the post stroke stage where recovery begins, then the rehabilitation stage where a patient recover therapy to regain lost skills and adapt to any enduring changes to prevent future stroke occurrence. 

Potential Solutions and Lifestyle Adjustments

 Experiencing a stroke can be terrifying ordeal, there are effective cure and lifestyle modification that can significantly improves outcomes and reduce the risk of future occurrence. Medication may involve blood thinners or drug to control blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Apart from medication lifestyle modifications plays an important role, regular physical activities, a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins as well as healthy weight can keep your cardiovascular system effective and efficient.

Moreso, stopping smoking and moderating alcohol intake are imperative steps towards a heart healthy life. 

In Conclusion: Understanding that stroke is a heart disease is critical for prevention and early detection, if you identify and recognize those symptoms listed above, do not hesitate to seek immediate medical help, timely intervention will enhance the chances of recovery. Knowing that taking charge of your health today paves the way for a healthier tomorrow. 

Sunday, August 4, 2024



On page 1 of these posts, we had talked of heart diseases generally without going in-debt about them, in the subsequent posts, we shall discuss about them in-debtly, our focus on this post is High Blood Pressure. Which is widely searched on and among others.

This occurs when the force of blood the walls of the arteries is consistently too high, putting a strain on the heart and blood vessels, if this is not controlled or cure, the consequences are: heart failure, kidney failure and high blood pressure among others. 

Factors that Contribute to High Blood Pressure 

These include: genetics, age or aging  poor diet, lifestyle and underlying medication situations, some factors like: genetics and age or aging cannot be changed or controlled; lifestyle modifications that can foster, manage and lower blood pressure are not limited to: healthy diets which consist of fruits, vegetables, whole grains like: rice and bread made of wheat, also proteins like beans,  these changes in diets will reduce high blood pressure level.


Avoidance of high sodium salt intake, saturated fats, and cholesterol are also vital because these increase high blood pressure

Physical activities like doing regular exercise is a key component of reducing this ailment. These foster strength to the heart and improves blood circulation; running, dancing, engaging in gyms for 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week, can help a lot.

Moreover, monitoring high blood pressure using 'blood pressure cuff', cannot be over emphasized, since this kind of heart diseases may not show symptoms but could directly lead to death as it has been experienced in the world... .

Medication for High Blood Pressure: These include diuretics, beta-blockers, ACE inhibitors and calcium channel.

Working with Health Provider

It must be noted that working with health providers to determine the best treatment plan for each individual, as the choice of medication grossly depends on other medical conditions and medication applicable. In some cases, lifestyle changes and medication may not yield the desired result of bringing blood pressure down, additional intervention may be necessary like: angioplasty, stenting, or

even surgery to help improve blood flow and reduce the risk of complications related to high blood pressure 

Conclusion: It is pertinent that persons take care of their heart health, high blood pressure monitoring and management, choosing healthy lifestyle, exercising, eating balanced good diet, resting or sleeping and meeting closely with health providers and following treatment plan, people with high blood pressure will greatly reduce the risk of complications and improve their heart health and well-being. 

Coronary artery Diseases (CAD)

 Coronary Artery Diseases (CAD) In page 15, we conversed on mini-stroke , in this page 16 we will talk about Coronary artery disease , it...