Right sided Heart Failure
On page 6 we talked of Diastolic heart failure on this post which is page 7, we will discuss Right sided heart failure as one of heat diseases that is also widely searched in gooogle.com and bing.com.
This occurs when the right ventricule of the heart doesn't pump blood effectively for the lungs which is leading to or causing fluid building in the abdominal cavity, legs and feet.
It often result from left sided heart failure where increased pressure in the lungs lead to right ventricule strain, other causes are: chronic lungs diseases like COPD, pulmonary hypertension and valve disorder.
Similar to other types of heart failure, this is classified into four stages, stage A indicates an increase risk without symptom while stage D is characterized by advanced heart failure with continuous symptoms.
Patients may experience swelling in the legs ankles and abdomen, fatigue and shortness of breath especially during physical activities, also urinating at night is common among the symptoms..
Medical solution usually involves Diuretics to alleviate fluid retention, medications to improve heart function, and treatment geared towards controlling underlying lung diseases.
Natural solution focuses on maintaining a healthy lifestyle and may include herbal teas like dandelion, known for its potential diuretic properties.
This option can include valve repair or replacement of valve disease is present or pulmonary intervention in cases of pulmonary hypertension.
Gentle aerobic exercise like: walking, cycling and swimming can enhance cardiovascular fitness without putting excessive stress on the heart. always do exercise based on individual capability.
Foods to Eat:
Diets that are low in sodium and rich in fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Foods rich in potassium such as banana can foster regulated blood pressure and fluid balance.
Healing Period:
Using appropriate treatment and lifestyle adjustments, patients often experience symptoms relief within weeks. Those who undergo surgery may require a few months for full recovery, depending on their overall situation and specified treatment.
Right sided heart failure patients may feel overwhelmed, but it's important to remember that proactive management can lead to a drastic improved quality of life by following your Healthcare provider advice, taking prescribed medications and making smart lifestyle choices, you can reverse some symptoms, incorporating gentle exercise and focusing on balanced diet, can fortify your heart and promote overall wellness.